Package pyjamas :: Package ui :: Module TabBar :: Class TabBar
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class TabBar

source code

   object --+                
      Applier --+            
UIObject.UIObject --+        
        Widget.Widget --+    
      Composite.Composite --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kwargs)
use this to apply properties as a dictionary, e.g.:
source code
addTab(self, text, asHTML=False) source code
addTabListener(self, listener) source code
getSelectedTab(self) source code
getTabCount(self) source code
getTabWidget(self, index) source code
getTabHTML(self, index) source code
createTabTextWrapper(self) source code
insertTab(self, text, asHTML, beforeIndex=None)
1st arg can, instead of being 'text', be a widget.
source code
insertTabWidget(self, widget, beforeIndex) source code
onClick(self, sender=None) source code
removeTab(self, index) source code
removeTabListener(self, listener) source code
selectTab(self, index) source code
checkTabIndex(self, index) source code
setSelectionStyle(self, item, selected) source code

Inherited from Composite.Composite: initWidget, isAttached, onAttach, onBrowserEvent, onDetach, setWidget

Inherited from Widget.Widget: doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, getID, getLayoutData, getParent, onLoad, removeFromParent, setContextMenu, setID, setLayoutData, setParent

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject: addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getElement, getHeight, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleAttribute, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, getVisible, getWidth, isVisible, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleAttribute, setStyleName, setTitle, setVisible, setWidth, setzIndex, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents

Inherited from Applier: applyValues, retrieveValues, setDefaults, setElementProperties, updateInstance

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject (private): _getProps

Inherited from Applier (private): _getElementProps

Class Variables [hide private]
  STYLENAME_DEFAULT = "gwt-TabBarItem"

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject (private): _props

Inherited from Applier (private): _elem_props

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

source code 

use this to apply properties as a dictionary, e.g.:

   x = klass(..., StyleName='class-name')

will do:

   x = klass(...)


   x = klass(..., Size=("100%", "20px"), Visible=False)

will do:

   x = klass(...)
   x.setSize("100%", "20px")
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

insertTab(self, text, asHTML, beforeIndex=None)

source code 

1st arg can, instead of being 'text', be a widget.

1st arg can also be None, which results in a blank space between tabs. Use this to push subsequent tabs out to the right hand end of the TabBar. (the "blank" tab, by not being focussable, is not clickable).