Package pyjamas :: Package ui :: Module CustomButton :: Class CustomButton
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Class CustomButton

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              object --+                    
                 Applier --+                
           UIObject.UIObject --+            
                   Widget.Widget --+        
      FocusListener.FocusHandler --+        
KeyboardListener.KeyboardHandler --+        
                      object --+   |        
                               |   |        
      MouseListener.MouseHandler --+        
                      object --+   |        
                               |   |        
      ClickListener.ClickHandler --+        
                Focus.FocusMixin --+        
             FocusWidget.FocusWidget --+    
                          object --+   |    
                                   |   |    
                 InnerHTML.InnerHTML --+    
                          object --+   |    
                                   |   |    
                 InnerText.InnerText --+    
                   ButtonBase.ButtonBase --+

Represents a button's face. Each face is associated with its own style modifier and, optionally, its own contents html, text, or image.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, upImageText=None, downImageText=None, listener=None, **kwargs)
Constructor for CustomButton.
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updateButtonFace(self) source code
Gets the downDisabled face of the button.
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Gets the down face of the button.
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Gets the downHovering face of the button.
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Gets the current face's html.
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getTabIndex(self) source code
Gets the current face's text.
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Gets the upDisabled face of the button.
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Gets the up face of the button.
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Gets the upHovering face of the button.
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onBrowserEvent(self, event)
Listen to events raised by the browser and call the appropriate method of the listener (widget, ..) object.
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setAccessKey(self, key) source code
setEnabled(self, enabled)
Sets whether this button is enabled.
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setFocus(self, focused) source code
setHTML(self, html)
Sets the current face's html.
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setTabIndex(self, index) source code
setText(self, text)
Sets the current face's text.
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Is this button down?
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Overridden on attach to ensure that a button face has been chosen before the button is displayed.
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onClick(self, sender=None)
Called when the user finishes clicking on this button.
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Called when the user aborts a click in progress; for example, by dragging the mouse outside of the button before releasing the mouse button.
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Called when the user begins to click on this button.
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Called when this widget is being removed from the DOM tree of the document.
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setDown(self, down)
Sets whether this button is down.
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Common setup between constructors.
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fireClickListeners(self, nativeEvent) source code
fireEvent(self) source code
Gets the current face of the button.
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Is the mouse hovering over this button? Returns True
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setHovering(self, hovering)
Sets whether this button is hovering.
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Toggle the up/down attribute.
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Resets internal state if this button can no longer service events.
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createFace(self, delegateTo, name, faceID) source code
getFaceFromID(self, face_id) source code
setAriaPressed(self, newFace) source code
setCurrentFace(self, newFace)
Implementation note: default access for testing.
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setCurrentFaceFromID(self, faceID)
Sets the current face based on the faceID.
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setCurrentFaceElement(self, newFaceElement) source code
setDownDisabledFace(self, downDisabled)
Sets the downDisabled face of the button.
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setDownFace(self, down)
Sets the down face of the button.
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setDownHoveringFace(self, downHovering)
Sets the downHovering face of the button.
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setUpDisabledFace(self, upDisabled)
Sets the upDisabled face of the button.
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setUpFace(self, up)
Sets the up face of the button.
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setUpHoveringFace(self, upHovering)
Sets the upHovering face of the button.
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Toggle the disabled attribute.
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Toggle the hovering attribute.
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Inherited from ButtonBase.ButtonBase (private): _setWeirdProps

Inherited from Widget.Widget: doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, getID, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, onLoad, removeFromParent, setContextMenu, setID, setLayoutData, setParent

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject: addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getElement, getHeight, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleAttribute, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, getVisible, getWidth, isVisible, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleAttribute, setStyleName, setTitle, setVisible, setWidth, setzIndex, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents

Inherited from Applier: applyValues, retrieveValues, setDefaults, setElementProperties, updateInstance

Inherited from FocusListener.FocusHandler: addFocusListener, onFocus, onLostFocus, removeFocusListener

Inherited from KeyboardListener.KeyboardHandler: addKeyboardListener, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, removeKeyboardListener

Inherited from MouseListener.MouseHandler: addMouseListener, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter, onMouseGlassEnter, onMouseGlassLeave, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, removeMouseListener

Inherited from ClickListener.ClickHandler: addClickListener, addDoubleClickListener, clearClickListener, clearDoubleClickListener, onDoubleClick, removeClickListener, removeDoubleClickListener

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Inherited from Focus.FocusMixin: isEnabled, isReadonly, setReadonly

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject (private): _getProps

Inherited from Applier (private): _getElementProps

Class Variables [hide private]
  STYLENAME_DEFAULT = "gwt-CustomButton"
  UP = 0
  DOWN = 1
Calling possibilities: def __init__(self, upImage): def __init__(self, upImage, listener): def __init__(self, upImage, downImage): def __init__(self, upImage, downImage, listener): def __init__(self, upText): def __init__(self, upText, listener): def __init__(self, upText, downText): def __init__(self, upText, downText, listener): def __init__(self):

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject (private): _props

Inherited from Applier (private): _elem_props

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, upImageText=None, downImageText=None, listener=None, **kwargs)

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Constructor for CustomButton.

Overrides: object.__init__


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Gets the current face's html.

Overrides: InnerHTML.InnerHTML.getHTML


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Overrides: Focus.FocusMixin.getTabIndex


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Gets the current face's text.

Overrides: InnerText.InnerText.getText

onBrowserEvent(self, event)

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Listen to events raised by the browser and call the appropriate method of the listener (widget, ..) object.

Overrides: ClickListener.ClickHandler.onBrowserEvent
(inherited documentation)

setAccessKey(self, key)

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Overrides: Focus.FocusMixin.setAccessKey

setEnabled(self, enabled)

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Sets whether this button is enabled.

Overrides: Focus.FocusMixin.setEnabled

setFocus(self, focused)

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Overrides: Focus.FocusMixin.setFocus

setHTML(self, html)

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Sets the current face's html.

Overrides: InnerHTML.InnerHTML.setHTML

setTabIndex(self, index)

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Overrides: Focus.FocusMixin.setTabIndex

setText(self, text)

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Sets the current face's text.

Overrides: InnerText.InnerText.setText


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Overridden on attach to ensure that a button face has been chosen before the button is displayed.

Overrides: Widget.Widget.onAttach

onClick(self, sender=None)

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Called when the user finishes clicking on this button. The default behavior is to fire the click event to listeners. Subclasses that override onClickStart() should override this method to restore the normal widget display.

Overrides: ClickListener.ClickHandler.onClick


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Called when the user aborts a click in progress; for example, by dragging the mouse outside of the button before releasing the mouse button. Subclasses that override onClickStart() should override this method to restore the normal widget display.


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Called when the user begins to click on this button. Subclasses may override this method to display the start of the click visually; such subclasses should also override onClick() and onClickCancel() to restore normal visual state. Each onClickStart will eventually be followed by either onClick or onClickCancel, depending on whether the click is completed.


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Called when this widget is being removed from the DOM tree of the document.

Overrides: Widget.Widget.onDetach
(inherited documentation)


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Gets the current face of the button. Implementation note: Package so we can use it when testing the button.


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Resets internal state if this button can no longer service events. This can occur when the widget becomes detached or disabled.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


Calling possibilities: def __init__(self, upImage): def __init__(self, upImage, listener): def __init__(self, upImage, downImage): def __init__(self, upImage, downImage, listener): def __init__(self, upText): def __init__(self, upText, listener): def __init__(self, upText, downText): def __init__(self, upText, downText, listener): def __init__(self):

TODO: I do not know how to handle the following cases: def __init__(self, upImage, listener): def __init__(self, upText, listener):

So how can I make difference between listener and downImage/downText ?
