Package library :: Package pyjamas :: Package ui :: Module ListBox :: Class ListBox
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class ListBox

source code

              object --+                
                 Applier --+            
           UIObject.UIObject --+        
                   Widget.Widget --+    
      FocusListener.FocusHandler --+    
KeyboardListener.KeyboardHandler --+    
                      object --+   |    
                               |   |    
      MouseListener.MouseHandler --+    
                      object --+   |    
                               |   |    
      ClickListener.ClickHandler --+    
                Focus.FocusMixin --+    
             FocusWidget.FocusWidget --+
                          object --+   |
                                   |   |
        ChangeListener.ChangeHandler --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, **kwargs)
use this to apply properties as a dictionary, e.g.:
source code
_setWeirdProps(self, props, builderstate) source code
addItem(self, item, value=None) source code
clear(self) source code
getItemCount(self) source code
getItemText(self, index) source code
getName(self) source code
returns the selected item's index on a single-select listbox.
source code
getValue(self, index) source code
getVisibleItemCount(self) source code
insertItem(self, item, value, index=None) source code
isItemSelected(self, index) source code
removeItem(self, idx) source code
setItemSelected(self, index, selected) source code
this function is deprecated: use getMultipleSelect
source code
getMultipleSelect(self) source code
setMultipleSelect(self, multiple) source code
setName(self, name) source code
setSelectedIndex(self, index) source code
selectValue(self, value)
selects the ListBox according to a value.
source code
selectItem(self, item)
selects the ListBox according to an item's text to select by value, see selectValue.
source code
setItemText(self, index, text) source code
setValue(self, index, value) source code
setVisibleItemCount(self, visibleItems) source code
checkIndex(self, index) source code
getSelectedItemText(self, ignore_first_value=False) source code
getSelectedValues(self, ignore_first_value=False) source code
setItemTextSelection(self, values) source code
setValueSelection(self, values) source code

Inherited from Widget.Widget: doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, getID, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, onAttach, onBrowserEvent, onDetach, onLoad, removeFromParent, setContextMenu, setID, setLayoutData, setParent

Inherited from UIObject.UIObject: addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getClientHeight, getClientWidth, getElement, getHeight, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleAttribute, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, getVisible, getWidth, isVisible, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleAttribute, setStyleName, setTitle, setVisible, setWidth, setzIndex, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents

Inherited from Applier: applyValues, retrieveValues, setDefaults, setElementProperties, updateInstance

Inherited from FocusListener.FocusHandler: addFocusListener, onFocus, onLostFocus, removeFocusListener

Inherited from KeyboardListener.KeyboardHandler: addKeyboardListener, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, removeKeyboardListener

Inherited from MouseListener.MouseHandler: addMouseListener, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter, onMouseGlassEnter, onMouseGlassLeave, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, removeMouseListener

Inherited from ClickListener.ClickHandler: addClickListener, addDoubleClickListener, clearClickListener, clearDoubleClickListener, onClick, onDoubleClick, removeClickListener, removeDoubleClickListener

Inherited from ChangeListener.ChangeHandler: addChangeListener, onChange, removeChangeListener

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Inherited from Focus.FocusMixin: getTabIndex, isEnabled, isReadonly, setAccessKey, setEnabled, setFocus, setReadonly, setTabIndex

Class Methods [hide private]
_getProps(self) source code

Inherited from Applier (private): _getElementProps

Class Variables [hide private]
  _props = [("visible", "Visible Count", "VisibleItemCount", Non...

Inherited from Applier (private): _elem_props

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, **kwargs)

source code 

use this to apply properties as a dictionary, e.g.:

   x = klass(..., StyleName='class-name')

will do:

   x = klass(...)


   x = klass(..., Size=("100%", "20px"), Visible=False)

will do:

   x = klass(...)
   x.setSize("100%", "20px")
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

Class Method

source code 
Overrides: Applier._getProps


source code 

returns the selected item's index on a single-select listbox. returns -1 if no item is selected. for multi-select, use repeated calls to isItemSelected.

selectValue(self, value)

source code 

selects the ListBox according to a value. to select by item, see selectItem. #

selectItem(self, item)

source code 

selects the ListBox according to an item's text to select by value, see selectValue. #

Class Variable Details [hide private]


[("visible", "Visible Count", "VisibleItemCount", None), ("name", "Nam\
e", "Name", None), ("selectedIndex", "Selected Index", "SelectedIndex"\
, None), ("multiple", "Multiple Select", "MultiplSelect", None),]